Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Why Should Someone Become A Teacher?

In today's world, many people choose a career path that will lead to money or fame. Why teach when teachers don't make much money? Why teach if there isn't recognition of my skills and talents? Why should anyone spend all day long with a room full of rowdy kids? What makes so many people decide to teach?

Personally, I love spending time with children, I have an extremely high amount of patience when it comes to working with children, and I love to see them grow. I can help them learn something new every day, and make an impact in their lives. There are so many reasons to go into teaching, but there were a few resources I found that have really great reasons to teach.

One website I found is www.teach.org/why-teach. It has a tab called "Why Teach" and it has lots of short clips of teachers saying why they are teachers.  They have amazing reasons, such as wanting to make a difference, leaving work everyday feeling successful because your students learned something that day, and filling a need in the lives of the students. Every teacher on this website was so passionate about their job. I hope that when I am a teacher I can be just as passionate, and make as much of a difference as I know they do.

Another source I found is actually a CNN article called "Why They Teach Despite It All", and it highlights several different teachers who let the world know why they teach. To read this article, link to http://www.cnn.com/2012/09/14/us/why-teachers-stay-ireport/. These teachers are all amazing, and are not in the job for the money. One teacher works two jobs just so she can stay on as a teacher and still support her family. Another teacher in this article was about a man who left his other job to become a teacher even though it would mean a big salary cut. The article tells the story of a special needs teacher who pays for supplies out of her own pocket just so the students have enough materials to learn. These teachers are truly amazing. They give their all to their students, and want what is best for the students, not themselves. They are truly selfless people, who give back to their communities in one of the best ways possible: teaching.

Why teach? To make a difference. To change lives. To help people learn. Kids are dependent on excellent teachers who are passionate about their jobs. Reading about these amazing teachers, and hearing their stories on video really excited me for my upcoming teaching career. They inspired me to work from my heart, to always put the students first, and to strive to make a difference in the lives of my students. My greatest desire as a teacher is for my students to succeed.

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